May 27, 2022

How to Submit in E-Portfolio

By B&SC Blog Team

How to Submit in E-Portfolio
During your time at Bryant and Stratton, you will all work with ePortfolio. To make your experience easier, we wanted to provide you with step-by-step guidelines to help navigate submitting in ePortfolio. Below you will see an assignment that you will need to submit in INFT124 for week 7.5. We have created this step-by-step walkthrough to make your experience with ePortfolio as seamless as possible!

Step 1

    • Under Week 7.5, click the final option to submit your Graphic Literacy Reflection to your Core ePortfolio

    Step 2

    • A new screen will open, you should see CORE with INFT124 003 listed as the course
    • Click Submit Comment/Artifact

    Step 3

      • You will now be redirected to the Assessment Submission page
      • Make sure Computing Skills is listed under your Course
      • Under Outcomes you will first select Add Outcome and pick your degree program
      • Next add an additional outcome, if you do not see the requested outcome from the instructions please pick the most applicable outcome. Then click Add

      Step 4

        • Scroll down and you will see the option to choose a file, please select your document and label it in the Link Label box. Then, check the appropriate instructor and click Add Comment/Update Score to submit

        Step 5

          • Lastly you will see the Assessment Submitted confirmation page

          If you have further questions regarding ePortfolio, do not hesitate to reach out to your instructor through your student email account or the Ask Your Instructor Tab in Blackboard. They are there to assist you!

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