April 4, 2019

Around the Web - Tips and Tricks for the College Student

By B&SC News Team

Around the Web - Tips and Tricks for the College Student

Because sometimes there’s just too much good information to share in one post, we are back with another set of articles from around the web offering up college tips, job search advice and more. Take a look at some of the great resources below and keep them in mind as classes are set to begin next week.

IRS Releases Tips on Using Educational Tax Credits to Save on College – WIBV New tips on how to use educational tax credits to save on college expenses were released by the IRS recently. Read through to find out how you can take advantage of this tuition-saving program.

How to Fight Discouragement During a Job Search – TheMuse One of the toughest things to get over during a job search is discouragement after finding out you won’t be getting a job. Many Bryant & Stratton College graduates reach out to discuss frustration after missing out on an opportunity and looking for tips on how to stay in the game. This article offers up some tremendous advice for those who are feeling a little down during their job search.

The Worst Time to Look for a Job – LinkedIn, Aaron Perkins An interesting observation on the ebb and flow of the job market from Aaron Perkins. He points out the challenges that arise from searching for a job during the holiday season. As those times slowly creep up on us, keep his advice in mind.

3 Cringeworthy Moments You’ll Experience During Your Job Search – Forbes Forbes provides some good insight on the slightly more uncomfortable aspects of the job search process, particularly during the interview portion.

Pros and Cons of a Digital Job Search – Times Herald Record There aren’t too many jobs that aren’t posted online these days – the classified section of the newspaper is still alive and well – and that leads to only a few options for job seekers to search with. This article offers up both the pros and cons of conducting your job search entirely online.
7 Study Tips When You Just Can’t Even – USA Today The title implies some humor but this post is full of phenomenal tips to maintain your concentration during those long study sessions you run into each semester. Bookmark this one, you’ll want to come back to it.

8 Tips to Help You Succeed – Rolling Out Much like the story above in USA Today, this post runs down a list of very useful tips for college vets and new students alike. Read through this one a couple times, you’ll be sure to find some great information.

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