November 1, 2017

Accounting Education Teaches Real World Skills

By B&SC Blog Team

Accounting Education Teaches Real World Skills

Accounting courses offer more than just a way to expand career options. They provide real world skills that will enhance both your personal and professional life. Included in a well-rounded accounting degree are classes that will cultivate organization, accountant ethics, macro and micro financial perspectives, budgeting and financial projection techniques, and hands-on experience with computer programs that are used in virtually every office, industrial warehouse, and corporation worldwide. Choosing to further your accounting acumen is a holistic way to improve your intellect and your practical knowledge base as well as learn accounting.

Accounting Programs Provide More than Just Job Training

Accountant requirements transfer to the real world in a more straightforward way than you might imagine. Here are some ways that your accountant studies relate to the everyday world.

Organization. A good accountant must be organized, and organization is one of those skills that transfers over into every aspect of your life. Your accounting classes will teach you how to keep up-to-date records in an efficient manner. You will learn a variety of filing systems, both paper and electronic, enabling you to select a method that works best for you. Part of being organized involves sticking to deadlines. Quarterly taxes, pay periods, and timely billing and payment practices help businesses run efficiently and profitably, whether that business is a multi-national corporation or a very busy family household.

Balanced Perspective. A good bookkeeper or accountant must be able to hold two visions at once: the small day-to-day financial responsibilities as well as the larger “big picture” financial perspective, which projects how today’s actions will affect tomorrow’s bottom line. In business, this can mean keeping track of inventory, creating cost cutting procedures, and ensuring paperwork is filed on time to avoid penalty fees or high interest rates. In the real world, this means learning to budget now to save for tomorrow. It can mean having the restraint to pay off credit cards before going out and applying for a new car loan. Having sound micro- and macro-perspectives leads to holistic financial well-being.

Budgeting. Many students who pursue accounting degrees are balancing school, work, and family life. That kind of juggling requires sharp budgeting skills or one can become quickly overwhelmed. Budgeting enables companies to do two things: do business within their means, and make projections into the future in order to make decisions about hiring new staff, or cutting back on superfluous labor costs. Creating a balanced budget allows companies to set realistic goals and determine where business practices could be improved in order to make those goals a reality. Accounting courses provide the resources and instruction to learn budgeting techniques and skills that will make you an asset in both your personal financial life as well as the business sector.

Technological Savvy. It is virtually impossible to get a job these days without a fundamental knowledge of basic computer skills. For accounting positions, these skills are even more important. This is why accounting courses offer training in the latest accounting and bookkeeping software applications. These skills allow you to pursue jobs with companies who apply the latest and greatest technology. It can also make you an asset for companies who are lagging and need a professional to help guide them into the modern era. With a solid background in accounting, you are qualified for a variety of professional capacities in which your technical skills will provide business solutions.

Ready to enhance your skills? Contact Bryant & Stratton College for more information about accounting education that will elevate your professional expertise to a new level and increase your marketability in the real world.

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