May 27, 2022

Education Vs. Experience: What Do Employers Value?

By B&SC Career Services Team

Education Vs. Experience: What Do Employers Value?

Today, more than ever before, hiring managers are looking to fill job openings fast. And it goes without saying these positions will likely always go to the most qualified applicants. But if it’s a choice between you, with your new degree, and an older applicant who has 16 years of experience in the field, who gets hired?

It’s an age-old question: What carries more weight – work experience or a college degree? And the answer isn’t as black-and-white as you might think. A lot depends on the situation, the person who’s doing the hiring, and the marketability of your resume. An ideal applicant will have both the educational background to succeed and a strong work history. But in lieu of this, most employers are willing to take one over the other. Here’s what we know about which one means more:

The Value of Your College Degree

A degree is always a valuable asset to bring to a company. However, to hold up under scrutiny, it should be well-suited to help you perform in the industry in which you’re applying. This means your communication degree probably isn’t going to hold a lot of weight in the medical field, but it could help get your foot in the door of a newspaper office. If you worked part-time in a physicians’ office, answering phones or scheduling appointments to earn your tuition, this is worth noting and should be featured on your resume.

Average Cost of Attending College

The cost of attending college for one year averages between

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