April 18, 2019

Job Search Resources - August Edition

By B&SC Career Services Team

Job Search Resources - August Edition

A new feature we are going to unveil on our blog will take a look at different articles that offer job search resources, employability and college tips. These posts will give you advice from experts around the field, allowing you to take you job search to the next level or even to help ace that next exam. You’ll be able to find these job source resources and more on our Twitter account, so be sure to follow along there so you don’t miss a thing.

4 Job Search Excuses That Just Don’t Cut It – US News & World Report The job search process can often be arduous and downright frustrating. Don’t let hurdles keep you from your dream job and use these pieces of advice from US News & World Report to make sure you aren’t using excuses to stall your search.

Was I Right to Refuse This Job Offer? – Forbes Not every job will be right for you. In fact, you may find yourself in a tough situation of turning down a job offer after going in to interview. This article gives some great advice for that tricky situation.

7 Social Media Mistakes Job Seekers Must Avoid – CIO.com Sarah White of CIO.com offers up some terrific advice on making sure your social media profiles don’t cost you an interview or even an important call back.

Don’t Conduct a Job Search, Conduct a Company Search – Forbes An interesting article on the importance of researching and vetting the companies you may be applying with, not just jobs. As the article notes, this won’t just show you’ve done your research before an interview but it will make sure you’re applying for positions where you’ll fit the culture and attitude of the company.

How to Use Social Media to Boost Your Online Employability – OnRec.com More advice on ensuring your social media footprint compliments your job search; this time OnRec, The Online Recruitment Resource, shares tips. The most interesting point made is on using social media to stand out through innovative practices.

What Should I Wear to a Job Interview – Plus Model Magazine Unsure if you have the proper attire in your wardrobe to impress at your next interview? Give this a read to make sure you have what it takes to raise eyebrows during your job search.

 Ask Matt: Are The Job Search Basics Still The Same? – StarTribune An advice column from the Minnesota Star-Tribune touches on some interesting and important topics related to resumes. This will be a great read for anyone who has been out of the job search game for some time.

 7 Ways to Take Control of Your Job Search – LinkedIn.com LinkedIn’s Sarah Haydt runs through a comprehensive list of tips that will help boost any job search. Her note on posting your updated resume to job boards is a particularly helpful piece of advice.

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