April 17, 2019
About Those Resolutions You Made in January….
By B&SC Blog Team
About the Author:
Acclaimed Career Coach, Kim Dority is a frequent presenter for Bryant & Stratton College Online. Dority is an information specialist, consultant, career coach, published author and adjunct professor at the University of Denver in Colorado. She has written extensively on career development for students and new graduates and is a frequent presenter, lecturer and panelist on career-related topics. Kim’s areas of expertise include professional branding, career transitions and career sustainability. – See more at: https://www.bryantstratton.edu/blog/2013/august/now-that-ive-got-a-mentor-what-should-we-talk-about-webinar-recap
About the Author:
Acclaimed Career Coach, Kim Dority is a frequent presenter for Bryant & Stratton College Online. Dority is an information specialist, consultant, career coach, published author and adjunct professor at the University of Denver in Colorado. She has written extensively on career development for students and new graduates and is a frequent presenter, lecturer and panelist on career-related topics. Kim’s areas of expertise include professional branding, career transitions and career sustainability.
About the Author:
Acclaimed Career Coach, Kim Dority is a frequent presenter for Bryant & Stratton College Online. Dority is an information specialist, consultant, career coach, published author and adjunct professor at the University of Denver in Colorado. She has written extensively on career development for students and new graduates and is a frequent presenter, lecturer and panelist on career-related topics. Kim’s areas of expertise include professional branding, career transitions and career sustainability. – See more at:https://www.bryantstratton.edu/blog/2013/august/now-that-ive-got-a-mentor-what-should-we-talk-about-webinar-recap
By now you’re well into all those great New Year’s resolutions you made in the heat of the moment on January 1, and if you’re like most of us, progress has been….shall we say spotty?
If so, consider yourself one of the many (okay, gazillions) of people who annually resolve to lose weight, save money, stop procrastinating, start studying more consistently, and getting an early jump on class assignments – and then fall a bit short of those worthy goals. It’s human nature, so no need to beat yourself up about it. Instead, here’s an approach that just may help you reach those goals eventually, but with much less stress and much more confidence.
You’ve Already Done Amazing Things
Along with those lofty goals you’ve resolved to meet, consider also the hundreds of challenges you already successfully met last year. Knowing how strong you’ve already become and how many obstacles you’ve already dealt with in the previous year will give you the energy and confidence necessary to take on this year’s challenges with more strength and certainty. For example, were you able to take on new courses that required you to master new knowledge, to discipline yourself to manage your class assignments as well as your personal commitments? This is no small feat, and requires a level of determination and self-management that many top executives might not be able to muster. Did you find a way to help colleagues and fellow students by sharing your knowledge, expertise, and/or moral support? If so, you were clearly demonstrating your emotional intelligence skills and ability to use empathy as well as smarts to contribute to the well-being of your immediate community. Were you able to juggle multiple personal, professional, and school commitments without anyone dying on your watch? Then give yourself a pat on the back (and perhaps schedule a celebratory massage) for this amazing accomplishment.
Now Just Keep Building on Those Strengths
The problem with making resolutions is that they’re mostly based on doing all sorts of difficult things that you know you should do, and then find yourself feeling defeated when you can’t make them happen. Instead, spend the time you’d normally use coming up with those crazy-making resolutions to applaud yourself for those every-day accomplishments that we all take for granted but are, in fact, pretty spectacular. Give yourself the applause you deserve, recognize your amazing ability to successfully navigate the complex challenges you’ve taken on by going back to school, and know that when the time is right, you’ve got what it takes to accomplishment any resolutions you’d like to make. That way you’ll be setting yourself up for success – a very well-deserved success.
About the Author: Acclaimed Career Coach, Kim Dority is a frequent presenter for Bryant & Stratton College Online. Dority is an information specialist, consultant, career coach, published author and adjunct professor at the University of Denver in Colorado. She has written extensively on career development for students and new graduates and is a frequent presenter, lecturer and panelist on career-related topics. Kim’s areas of expertise include professional branding, career transitions and career sustainability.
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