April 17, 2023
An Emerged Leader in Online Associates Degrees
By B&SC Blog Team
The word leader can be defined many ways. In the Online Education industry, a leader could be referred to as the school that has the most program offerings, it could be the school that is making the most innovative strides in technology, or it could be the school that has the best student outcomes.
Bryant & Stratton College is the leader in online Associates degrees because we truly believe in student success. In addition, Bryant & Stratton College is proud of getting students to graduation and preparing them for the workplace in today’s emergent industries. Most people are not aware that Bryant & Stratton College has been around for over a century. I grew up in a city that has a Bryant & Stratton College campus and I didn’t even know this. I knew they had been around for awhile, but I thought it was maybe the 1960’s – not the 1850’s! Founded over 150 years ago, Bryant & Stratton College is a pioneer in career-focused education and has remained a constant from the times of horse and buggy to online education.
We have grown and evolved with the American economy; ensuring that employees have had the training to succeed in the changing market. Online Education launched at Bryant & Stratton College in 2000 and currently offers fully online, accredited Bachelor’s degrees, Associate’s degrees and Certificate programs. Our Online campus is a leader in Associate’s degrees. We offer degree programs that make you prepared to enter the workforce in the fields where you have the opportunity for a career, not just a job. I think that there is a common notion that online courses are easier than campus-based courses. This is not true, but that does not mean that online courses are harder either.
At Bryant & Stratton College, the online curriculum is the exact same as the curriculum that you would cover at a campus. The only difference is that the content is delivered to you in a different format, 100% online. All of our online degree programs are accredited. You will learn the essential skills needed for the workplace in a Bryant & Stratton College program. When we develop curriculum for our programs, we involve employers and build in the skills that they want their employees to have. Our Associate’s degree programs are very career-specific within healthcare, business, IT, and the legal field to prepare you to enter the industry of your choice in a short time.
Also, most of our degree and certificate programs prepare you to test for national certification as an added value to your degree or certificate. The staff at Bryant & Stratton College honestly cares about students and graduates. Each student is given personalized attention from enrollment through graduation and beyond. It all starts with having a tailored team just for you as soon as you start your enrollment process.
You get your own Admissions Representative, Financial Aid Advisor and Academic Advisor who will answer any of your questions and help you start your educational journey. Bryant & Stratton Online students become a part of our online community where they have support and encouragement every step of the way. Graduates of Bryant & Stratton College learn the importance of lifelong education. They understand that learning does not end with the completion of their degree and that if they want to be successful and remain competitive in today’s workforce that they will need to stay updated on their skills. Associate’s degrees are significant because learners can get a degree in as little as 20 months, enter into a career and then go on for additional training. You can complete this degree quickly and immediately improve the quality of your life.
If you would like to request information on online degrees at Bryant & Stratton College, please visit https://www.bryantstratton.edu/online-learning/degrees.
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