April 22, 2019

Is an IT Career Right for You?

By B&SC Blog Team

Is an IT Career Right for You?

The IT field is an exciting career path that offers a number of terrific opportunities to those with an education in IT Networking.

Careers in information technology can be exciting because technology is constantly changing. Plus the field is very diverse. Students in IT security training are learning different skills than someone earning a computer networking degree. The complexity and variety may be two of the reasons people are attracted to the field. But, how do you know if an IT career is right for you? It’s important to consider key characteristics of any field before taking the first step. To help you think through the choice, below are questions to consider.

Do you like to work hard? If you are someone who always likes being challenged, an IT career could be a good fit. Technology is ingrained into everything we do today, so creating new programs, making sure they are secure, maintaining systems and everything else IT professionals tackle can be an ongoing job. In most IT jobs you can be expected to work some nights and even weekends, but if you do love what you do that might not seem like a sacrifice!

Do you work well in a team? The stereotype of a loner, tech nerd is definitely misinformed. While coding and architecture can happen individually, most IT professionals work within a team. You’ll work with other programmers, engineers or architects on any given project. Being able to share your own ideas, provide constructive feedback and creatively problem solve as part of a group will be a major component to most positions.

Are you interested in how things work? Many IT people are “tinkerers” at heart. That means they are driven by the way things work and often want to open them up to see what is happening. If you’ve been interested in the way anything, but especially technology, works you’ll find good company among IT professionals.

Do you use your computer beyond the basics? In that same vein, if you use your computer in more advanced ways than most people you might love an IT career. Using your computer beyond typing, basic schoolwork, office work, playing games or casually searching the internet, could be a strong indication that this field is right for you.

Do you find yourself looking for the most efficient, user-friendly way to do something? While the roles, responsibilities and individual positions within the expansive field of IT may vary, there is one central core. At the center of all IT jobs is the mission to increase the usability and efficiency of technology-based systems and processes. If you don’t have a knack or a passion for streamlining activities or a preference for making a path effective but easy then you may want to consider a different field.

Do you love learning? The pace of change in technology fields is unmatched by any other career path. It is difficult for even the most respected experts to predict where technology will go in the next decade. So, if you want to start a career in IT then you should be ready to be a lifelong learner. The inability or desire to evolve to meet new demands in skills can quickly kill a tech career. Of course there are other questions to ask yourself to find out if this is a true fit. Try reading blogs about the IT field or scheduling an informational meeting with someone already established in their career. The more informed you are before deciding to pursue this profession, the more likely you’ll be happy.

Bryant & Stratton College Online offers several online degrees, including IT programs. If you are interested in learning about the degrees at Bryant & Stratton College Online, call 1.888.447.3528 to speak with an admissions representative.

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