April 22, 2019

Career Profile: Networking Technology Careers

By B&SC Blog Team

Career Profile: Networking Technology Careers

Can’t think of the last time you did anything at work or home (and everywhere in-between) without some form of technology? That’s why the computer and information technology field is loaded with opportunity. From laptops, to phones, to games to home appliances, to cars, computer technology is everywhere.

Since the computer technology market has a wide variety of jobs at varying levels of education and experience, it is definitely a field worth exploring. Not to mention, it has high salaries, low unemployment and rapid growth (much higher than the average 11% of all careers) as well as great work-life balance.

Sound too good to be true? Check out our summary of the IT jobs ranked as the top four by U.S. News and World Report  using data from the of Labor Statistics’ 2014-15 Occupational Outlook Handbook.

Software Developer

What would your phone, computer or tablet be without apps and software? Nothing. Software developers are the creative and technical minds behind designing and improving them. And since you just can’t live without either, software developers are in high demand. The career is expected to grow 17 percent between 2014 – 2024, which is a whopping increase of 186,600 jobs. A Bachelor’s degree in computer science will get you in the door and earning a median salary of about

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