Does the state of New York have ADN programs? At Bryant & Stratton College, we offer an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program specifically for the state of New York. It emphasizes classroom, laboratory and clinical experiences to help you gain the expertise needed to perform well on the NCLEX-RN exam and in healthcare environments.
How long is associate degree in nursing? An Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is typically designed to take two years of full-time study to complete. At Bryant & Stratton College, our 64-credit-hour AAS in Nursing offers the instruction and learning experiences you need to take the NCLEX-RN for your designation as a Registered Nurse (RN) and begin your nursing career in two years.
Is an RN an associate degree? An RN is actually a job designation. It stands for Registered Nurse. Many aspiring nursing professionals earn an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) before taking the NCLEX-RN exam to attain the RN designation.
Do RNs need a bachelor’s degree? Currently, a bachelor’s degree is not a requirement for pursuing a designation as a Registered Nurse (RN) across the country. An Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) from an accredited program is often all it takes to gain the skills, insights and credential needed to pursue an RN designation. At Bryant & Stratton College, we offer an Associate in Applied Science in Nursing that can help you prepare for the NCLEX-RN exam and a long career as a nurse.
What is a RN degree? A Registered Nurse (RN) is a designation you earn by successfully passing the NCLEX-RN exam, not a degree itself. In order to take the test, you have to complete a nursing program from an accredited nursing school, this could be an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), and Associate in Applied Science in Nursing or even a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
Top Nursing Terms and Acronyms Every Nursing Student Needs to Know If you have ever spent time in the hospital, there’s a strong likelihood that you overheard some nurses talking and realized you did not understand the nursing terms they were using. From acronyms to medical … Read More: Top Nursing Terms and Acronyms Every Nursing Student Needs to Know
Tips on Transferring Colleges without Losing Credits When you picture a typical college experience, you might imagine spending your entire student tenure at one school. This has long been regarded as the ‘ideal’ approach, but it can be highly unrealistic for many … Read More: Tips on Transferring Colleges without Losing Credits
Celebrities You May Not Have Known Trained as Nurses Every year, a Gallup Poll asks people to rank 15 occupations in terms of which professions are considered to have the most ethical and honest members. Since 1999, the poll has included nurses as one … Read More: Celebrities You May Not Have Known Trained as Nurses