Accreditation, Associations & Disclosures
Accreditation and Associations
The Council for Professional Recognition has specific requirements for the Child Development Associate credentialing process in addition to the formal education components included in these programs. A career in the field of Early Childhood Education may involve earning certain licenses or certificates, getting additional training, or meeting other requirements that can vary by vocation and state. Bryant & Stratton College recommends all applicants check with the licensing agency in their state for specific requirements*. The Bryant & Stratton College early childhood education programs involve an early childhood practice experience which may be completed within a live childcare environment. All applicants to either early childhood program should be aware that employers may consider numerous factors when determining eligibility or suitability for employment including, but not limited to, criminal background screening, U.S. citizenship, state residency, physical and psychological health, age and military discharge information. A criminal conviction and/or record of certain other conduct may prevent or hinder a student’s completion of their required practice experience or a graduate’s employment in the field of Early Childhood Education. The enrolling applicant has been apprised of these matters and enrolls in this program with full understanding of the same.
* Virginia residents should refer to licensure regulations for school personnel at the following government site: Teacher candidates will find additional information at the Virginia Department of Education at the following address:
Virginia Department of Education
James Monroe Building
101 N. 14th Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Early Childhood Education Academic Program Disclosures